Titus 2:3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the younger women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Moment In Proverbs: Proverbs 9:17

Proverbs 9: 17,
“Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.”

Things obtained by ill-gotten manner are thrilling to the flesh.  Just as it speaks here that stolen water and bread eaten in secret are so much better than honestly obtaining that which Wisdom offers.  When sin has matured in the heart it is easy for the sinner to shun the words of wisdom and delight their self in the follies of the sin.  We see it around us every day!  Those who are known as “stars” and those who are touted as famous, walk their “own way” and most often get away with it.  Their morals are considered right in their own eyes because they have delighted in the pleasures of sin.  But God’s law says that the sweet water He offers is through receiving Christ our living water and through abiding we are nourished like nothing the world can offer.

Just because sin is in the world and we are prone to what is forbidden; we cannot blame our flesh for falling to sin at a whim.  Just as Eve desired and took of the fruit in the garden, she made a purposeful decision not to listen to the words of wisdom through God’s voice; no, instead, she turned her ears toward the enemy who enticed her with “worldly logic” and promises of acceptance and she fell to sin’s temptation.  Sin’s appetite cannot be satisfied. The sweetness and pleasantries were not enough, now Eve had to have a partner in crime and so sin entered into the lineage of mankind, through her words of enticement to Adam.

Sin entered by a man listening to the enticement of the enemy and forgiveness entered by a man’s obedience to God.  Through Christ (God’s Man), we were given sweeter water and more nourishing bread than the world could ever offer.  Through Him, we were offered eternal life; where the world could only offer us death. Christ triumphed over the enemy and as we abide in Him we see the absurdities of running after sin.  But when we fall away from abiding close to Him; the influence to sin gives us a false reasoning for acting on our sins.

Just one bite of the forbidden fruit is all it took to cause death. But Christ, through His redemptive power, brought us back to life.

Prayer:  We praise you for your redemptive power to restore our lives.  Thank you for your forgiveness and your Word to encourage us to walk close to you.  LORD, as we are enticed by the world’s immorality and its running after forbidden fruit, remind us that we have been bought with the price of your dear life.  LORD, if there are those among us that are not your children, we pray for them and ask that you will bring them to yourself by making them aware of your precious gift of life.  LORD, we ask that you cause our hearts to be repulsed by sin so that we will turn away from it immediately.  And guard our hearts so that we are not caught off guard and enticed to enter into the bondage of sin.  LORD, we seek after your living water and we trust you as our bread of life.  In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Abiding Still,

Connie Renfro ©

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