Titus 2:3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the younger women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Real Moments- “lose 22 lbs in your first week”

I had thought of posting on the topic from time to time but never did get the note finished. I guess today is the day to recap the last four weeks. First of all, I must admit that the program is quite simple, practical and easy to use. It seems like a good option to success and not just some “get rich quick program” or should I say, “lose all the weight you want in one week with no effort at all program”? Which leads me to the title of this post, “lose 22 lbs in your first week” that was a real life, front cover title of a magazine I saw when I was checking out of the store yesterday. My flesh wants to believe such claims but my common sense tells me that I’m better off not picking up the magazine in the first place. Well, to my dismay my common sense must not have been awake because without a second thought I picked up the magazine, found the page number and began reading. All the time unaware that my Joe was standing there watching me, wondering when his wife would find her “common sense.” I guess he figured after a few moments of me reading and flipping pages that he needed to intervene. He softly said, “Sunshine? Why are you reading that stuff"?” That’s all he had to say to me. I closed the magazine, placed it back in it’s holder and proceeded forward to check out without another word or thought about that quick claim to weight loss fame. The question remained unanswered because truth is we both knew the answer… losing weight is hard and I would much rather be the product of some ‘mad scientists’ “lose it quick program’ than I would like to wake up every day, day in and day out to crucify this flesh of mine that lacks self control.

Weight loss takes not only self control but perseverance. In the last month I have lost 3 lbs! My flesh wants to say, “I worked this hard and all I have to show for it is 3 tiny lbs?!?!!” However, the fact is it’s a loss and for that I should be thankful. I will make myself be thankful!  Each day I ate only the points allowed which wasn’t hard for me at all. In fact, I found the process of learning how many points an item had very empowering. It helped me make decisions that I wanted for myself. Getting my daily water intake and my exercise requirements achieved is where I lack. I enjoy the little boxes that are provided for me to mark off my dairy products, vitamins and other such things. I find this simple tool really helps me focus. I have a lot of growing and learning to do.

Mom asked me, “how’s the scale been treating you?” I had to laugh when I read her note. We have a joke here in our house that I step on the scale over and over until it tells me what I want to hear. If it never does, I figure it’s broken and throw it away! I have done much better about not being in bondage to the scale. I haven’t weighed myself countless times each day like I use to do… so that’s good! I’m just doing what I can do at this moment in my life and praying for His grace to lead me the rest of the way! So, how are you? How’s your weight loss journey?

With much love,

Mrs. Joseph Wood


  1. I, too, would LOVE to lose 20 pounds in a week. I could just do a 3 week diet and be done with it. Unfortunately, none of those are real. I'm doing WW, too, and am really enjoying the points. It IS empowering. I *can* eat anything I want. As I explained to the kids, I can have a Cold Stone milkshake if I want...I just can't eat for the rest of the day. LOL It's the perfect season for fresh fruits and veggies, and I know the Lord dictated that for us. :)

  2. Well, I would like to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks - sounds completely possible BUT I've been saying that since January (although back then I said - 10 pounds by June) and I didn't lose 1 - so now I'm settling and saying 5 pounds by June 18th! (I'm going to a business convention with my husband and would like to fit more comfortably in my dresses!)

    I am really trying! We're eating lots of smoothies, salad, popcorn and grilled chicken here lol! And no desserts - only jello and pudding! I think I've lost half a pound - lovely lol!!!

    Hang in there sista! We are in it together!!
    Much Love,

  3. I was wondering how your progress was going in the weight area. Did I share my blog where I journal about my journey? I'm not seeing the pounds come off fast. And I've bought those...lose weight in 6 weeks programs and never used them, it was a waste of money...mostly because I never really put it to practice. I've pulled it back out and started doing some of the reading and it has good info in it.


  4. I recently lost I think about 20lbs and went from a size 12 to a 6/4 depending on the clothing brand... It took me about 4 months of hard work to do it....I refuse to keep a scale in my house. I don't do well with diets that tell you what to eat I need more flexiblity and I have done it through working out and getting rid of snacking and cutting down on those carbs. I use the beach body videos walk a way the pounds 4 and 5 mile and the Jeri Love Get Ripped DVD's.....I think if I had a scale I would have never made it this far. I am not concerned at all about numbers but more of how I feel and that has worked much better for me. Thanks for sharing your journey it takes time to lose weight in a healthy way especially belly fat. That does not happen over night. But through persistence and much prayer you can make it on the journey ;D Blessings Heather

  5. Why do you not have a name? Did you suddenly lose your identity when you got married? I am very conservative, but I think it's a bit extreme that you not only take your husband's last name, but his first name as well. I'm just saying... it's a bit off-putting.

  6. Hello Andreas, if that's your real name. ;-)

    To understand the reason behind my peculiar signature I encourage you to read this entry. http://amomentwithmom.blogspot.com/2009/10/moment-with-mom-my-curious-signature.html

    The beauty of being a part of the Body is that we are each following His leading and loving one another through the transformation process. If we both know Him as Lord and Savior then in that we can have fellowship and display love toward one another.

    May the Lord always be glorified through our communication!
    Mrs. Joseph Wood

  7. It is very effective weight loss plan to loss 22 lbs in first week. This is seems to be as magic. I also want to follow this program.

  8. During my pregnancy I put on about 50 lbs! Now I'm trying to get it off. Just started phentermine up again a few days ago at 194 lbs. I work out at the gym 2-3 days a week doing cardio and weights. I also walk about 30 minutes most weekdays during my lunch break. I already feel my clothes fitting looser. I get very jittery, have dry mouth and insomnia. I will stick to it because I have had excellent results with it in the past. In 2007 I lost over 50 lbs in about 6 months. My target range is 140-150 this time. So I am wishing all of us luck. Please remember that once you get off the medication it is very easy to put the weight back on unless you really work at it.
