Titus 2:3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the younger women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Moment in Proverbs 2/15/10

Chapter 15 of Proverbs starts out by talking about the tongue; a constant message in the Wood family home. I want to encourage you to get a resource that has been a blessing to our family over the years. It is called, The Tongue- Our Measure written by Simo Ralevic' I believe you can still buy copies of this small book through The Banner of Truth Trust. There are only 62 pages to this paperback treasure.Yet, the message shared within these pages are timeless! We have read it to our children from a very early age. I believe we have studied it as a family three times. Each time we read it we were encouraged, and sharpened. I believe the shortest amount of time that we have ever completed this book was three weeks. There is simply so much good family discussion that comes from reading a simple paragraph. It is a book to really digest, not merely read! When the children were little we had to break it down in bite size pieces for them. We were able to put into practice the "four guards" that the author talks about guarding the mouth. The children would hold up four fingers over their mouths and ask them selves questions to see if each guard could 'step down' if one guard was left 'standing' in front of the mouth they would know it wasn't the time to speak. This taught them to take time to think about what they said before they said it.

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. 

Teaching our children to slow down, put on the mind of Christ, and think about what they are going to say is essential. The home is the place God has ordained for us to learn these skills, and others. We need to teach toddlers to speak softly and sweetly. When we hear them bark, "NO! that's mine!" or any other toddler like command, we reply with a look of shock, a quiet voice and instruction saying, "oh, no no.. Jesus doesn't want us to talk like that. Can you ask sister to share with you in a nice voice?". I then help them ask nicely and sometimes have to practice this several times before they learn it for themselves. We need to teach our elementary children to respond to hurtful comments or actions with prayer and grace instead of words spoken in anger,  and we teach our teens to love those that speak evil of them. However the greatest lesson we can teach our children is through our own example. We need to show them how to respond to gossip, slander and hatred with 'soft words'. I have found God always provides plenty of real life experience to put my example to practice! :-)  When our children witness us dealing with conflict do they see us speaking grievously? How do we know if what we are saying is grievous? Well, if what we are saying stirs up more anger.. in us, those around us and/or the person that has offended us, then those words are grievous! Let us each strive to bridle our tongue for a wholesome tongue is a tree of life! Proverbs 15: 4

1 comment:

  1. Great Post! This looks like a very good book suggestion for our family and I just got a copy of this off ebay for 3.00 from your suggestion... I look forward to reading this with my children~ thank you for sharing ~Blessings Love Heather
