Titus 2:3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the younger women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Moment in Proverbs: Proverbs 9:8 Time for a Reality Check?

Proverbs 9:8

Reprove not a scorner, least he hate thee; rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

Can you think back on a time that you were corrected by your spouse, family member, church member of perhaps your employer? What was your response? Was it one of checking yourself and actions? Can you honestly say that had love for the one that corrected you? The Scriptures tell us that IF we are wise we will love him that rebukes us however, if we are a fool we will hate the one that brings the message of correction. The Lord uses times of instruction in our life not only for guidance but also for a personal reality check. It’s a tool that we can use to evaluate who we really are. The next time someone corrects you make sure that you prayerfully consider their words and if they be from the Lord. Don’t reject the advice they offer you just because you don’t think their where they should be spiritually. God uses even the ungodly for His purpose.

Prayer: Father we thank you for the correction. We know that you only correct those that you love. Thank you for those that you place in our life to boldly confront our areas of weakness and sin. Give us hearts to hear. Create in us a heart that longs to be wise and learn and loves the instruction we gain from your Word and those you bring across our paths. Let us be ever humble as we instruct and confront others, only speaking the words that you have required us to speak! In Jesus Name we pray… amen!

Because of His Love,

Mrs. Joseph Wood


  1. This is a very powerful proverb to reflect upon. What a strong message...what a difficult one at times. I will say that I have been so blessed in my husband. He has grown so much and I look up to him as one of my mentors. He is more patient with me than I ever imagined possible...and he has learned to correct and assist me in learning in such a gentle and loving manner that I respect so much. I want to be open to learning from correction but sometimes it is very hard for me...I work hard to be teachable. I know I have so much to learn.

    I think that the way we respond to correction has a lot to do with how we were corrected as a child...I grew up in a very negative and critical family of origin and learned that correction always meant that I was bad...not in need of training but bad. It has taken me a lot of time to over come that...but with the grace of God I am doing that and growing so much from what I am learning from correction now in my life.

    God bless you my friend and mentor...I am learning more and more everyday from your gentle spirit. Continuing to pray for your mama and your family!


    Mary Joy

  2. Hello Mrs. Wood <3 thanks for sharing with us :). I really like your point about making sure we listen to people no matter where they are with their walks with Christ. I often find myself quick to judge where a person is - rather than thanking them for their "opinion" and taking it to the Lord.
