Titus 2:3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the younger women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Real Moments with M.O.M.- Making memories in the midst of mice

images Now, I must tell you before I write this post that my family, in the heat of the chase said, “Mom, this is NOT a real life moment!” We all giggled because we knew all too well that it was or should I say that it IS!

Mice. Just the sound of the word makes me cringe. They are a pest that likes to invite themselves into my home after the cutting of the pastures each year. We must be on vigilant guard to keep them from making their homes in the house that we call our home! The entire family gets in on the adventure! Traps have been set, schemes devised to get rid of these unwelcomed guests and yet, still the fight continues. We have learned a few things through the process. For example, we didn’t know we could spontaneously jump four feet in the air after a mouse speeds across ones foot. We also didn’t know our voices could hit a pitch that could leave a ring in everyone’s ears afterwards. Or what about my favorite lesson learned? That my oldest boy, Jed, who is a towering 6’3”, 200 lb strong boy with courage to do what most never even dream of, could be scared by one of our tiny unwelcomed guests. We’ve laughed at ourselves as we plotted and planned all to no avail. We’ve teased one another and put our minds to the mental challenge to outsmart these creatures. Not to mention testing our physical aptitude as we jump, hop, and run with brooms after this little critter. Oh, and the hand eye coordination that one must have to try and put a jar over the top of it as it passes by… well, we have yet to accomplish such a feat!

I often hear people surprised that my life has the same “problems” that they experience. Yes, dear Sister, I have toilets to clean, garbage cans to empty, and yes… mice to get rid of! Life isn’t perfect, that’s Heaven! However, I do chose to put my attention on all the heavenly moments that happen in this life.

I continue to enjoy the heavenly moments that happen as we chase the mouse.. the giggles, the inventive solutions the children devise, and the memories we make as we join forces with one another for a common goal. It would be a shame to wait for the “mice” in life to go away before you make your memories. We’re making memories even in the midst of mice and you can too! Don’t let anything stop you from finding the heavenly moment that is in your midst!

The mice hunt continues yet, we are confident that we WILL prove ourselves victorious…. eventually… hopefully…

With much love,

Mrs. Joseph Wood

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