Answer: We read the Bible each morning together as a family. My husband and I often read and study the Word together and older children have their own personal time as well. As a family we read through the Bible from cover to cover and when we get to the end we start again! We love it! We discuss what we read, answer questions, look up words the children may not have known with our 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary as well as look up other’s thoughts through commentaries. My favorite commentary being, Matthew Henry. We don’t try to get through the Bible in a year. We just read it faithfully each day and discuss it as the Lord leads. This last time it took us about 18 months to get through the Bible. There were days we read one chapter and others that we read four or more chapters. There were times that we were finished in 20 minutes with our Bible time and other times that we took 4 hours!
Along with our “through the Bible reading” we will read the “Proverbs of the day”. If it’s the 10th then we read the 10th chapter of Proverbs. Normally the children split up the verses and take turns reading. At the end of each chapter, each family member says what verse meant the most to them, or what verse they liked most. Then, a child will write “their” verse on our wipe off board that sits in the main room. They enjoy this task each day and often decorate the board as well!
That’s it! Simple yet powerful and effective.Our family Bible time is the center of many of our favorite family memories! The most important thing is that reading the Bible is a priority in you home! Let your children see that you will set other things aside but you will not push your time in the Word aside!
Hope those ideas help! May God be made strong in each of our homes!
With much love,
Mrs. Joseph Wood
Hey there - this was my question so I was SOOO excited to see this posted here this morning!! I read a Proverb a day too - just finished chapter 13 this morning since it's the 13th - my Good Moring Girls group is doing the same.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, reading straight through the Bible - we could do that! Simple! Why didn't I think of that lol!! I tend to be drawn to materials for their ages (5,7) There are so many gimmicks and resources today that it's hard to "choose" what to do - it almost freezes me...
My husband is about to finish reading through the Bible himself and then I have my own studies in my morning quiet time and then we read at breakfast to the kids but there's not a clear pattern to our reading with the kids since we pull from so many maybe this is next...I have to talk to hubby first for his thoughts.
Maybe this could be a good new years goal?
Thank you SOOO much for opening the door to your home so we can take a sneak peak!
Love you,