We've been talking about Getting it "all" done and some vital components needed to make this happen. We've discussed order, priorities and discipline. Today, I wanted to talk about embracing work. I remember years ago when my husband first decided we would live off the land. I was speaking to an "older" Sister in Christ and sharing some of my struggles of living "off the grid". She was only in my life for a Season. We moved, she moved and we lost track of one another. However, I am confident that she fulfilled the purpose God had for her in my life. I pray my life impacted her as richly! I can still remember the phone call when I was... well, let's just call it what it was.... I was whining about my work! My days were long. I would wake before the sun rose to start our bath water that I heated over the fire. There was the collection of wood, the process of getting the fire started, the time consumed by boiling of "enough" water to make a bath. Then I had breakfast to make, again over the fire. Lunch to prepare, school lessons to give, assistance I needed to offer to my husband in building the cabin, laundry to wash by hand.. again after hours of boiling "enough" water, a garden to get in the ground, and the list could go on and on. She listened to me finish my list of complaints and then said, "Jeanette, work is not your enemy." I don't remember what else she said after that but those words have stayed in the forefront of my mind all these years. I shared my conversation with my husband who agreed with her and began to teach me that we were created to work. With my Joe's faithful example, gentle instruction and God's faithfulness to complete the good work He had began. I have learned to wake each day embracing work! I repent of the lazy tendencies of my flesh that would love nothing more than to do "nothing" however, I have gained wisdom over the years and I know the lie of such self absorbed thoughts. Doing "nothing" in a home produces chaos and disaster, for while I do "nothing" everyone else is surely doing something!
How do you view work? Do you tend to think of it as your enemy?
What is your attitude in work? Do you grumble, complain, just appear out of sorts? Why not sing a song and purpose to examine yourself and make sure you have a smile. Your children will see this smile and joy you take in work and will begin to follow your example.
If we are to get it "all" done then we must discipline ourselves to embrace work!
With much love,
Mrs. Joseph Wood
I thought I would post some photos of the children along with Joe and I in the garden. There is much work to accomplish out there. We embrace this task with joy! We are blessed that He would consider us worthy to care for this piece of land. Most often when we work we giggle, chat, discuss politics, religion and anything else we have on our hearts and minds. Yesterday, our conversation was filled with observations from nature and just plain fun. Enjoy!
We will be plating over 150 potato plants this year
Ezekiel being the comedian, that he always is, and showing us his muscles.
Josiah being a ‘nut’, sweet Beth-Joy in the background. He was busy at work when sister asked for a smile.. this is what he saw fit to give. :-)
Working in the garden. I just love the feel of dirt in my hands. Nothing is more fun than walking barefoot in the garden. I love to introduce the children to this simple pleasures
Joe at work in the garden. I just love this man!!
Timely post - exactly what I needed to read today. As always - thank you.
ReplyDeleteMuch Love,