Proverbs 29:25
“The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.”
A snare is used to capture unsuspecting animals. It is laid in secret and covered with common items found in the area so that it looks like part of the natural habitat. When the animal comes along, it does not suspect anything of danger, because it is not looking for danger. Instead, suddenly the animal is caught in the trap, wounded and often killed by those who set the snare. We can look to this passage and realize when we put our trust in man; we are closing our eyes to the snares of trusting man. Those snares are opportunities for us to fall into temptation and sin.
But when we put our trust in the LORD, we can be safe in knowing that He is watching for us and keeping us on guard for any snares the enemy would lay before us.
Often, we find ourselves put into situations to prove whether we are trusting man or God by the standing up for our faith. When we cannot stand for what we believe, we give into the snare of the enemy and feel the shame of not owning Christ in our lives before others. What are some of the things you face that you fear man’s opinion of you? Do you remain quiet when you were given the words of encouragement? Do you speak out against injustice or do you hide those things you have been called to speak against? Do you look the other way when you see sin before you and say “they aren’t hurting me.”? What snares have you fallen to?
You can be restored! Those who put their trust in the LORD shall be safe! Go to God and ask His plan for your life. Ask Him to help you to stand when your spiritual legs are trembling before man. Seek out others who will hold you accountable and spend time in the Word to learn how to avoid the snares of life.
Prayer: Father, there are snares lain before us each day. Some we never see and think we are not trapped, but you make us aware of our complacency and our eyes are opened to the traps we have fallen victim of; LORD, unleash us from the snares we blindly stepped into. Father, keep our eyes open to the temptations set before us and help us to resist those as we put our trust in you. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen
Abiding Still
This is beautifully written - thank you for sharing it. I think a snare I often face is being tempted to be a lukewarm Christian. I have a lot of acquaintances that would like to "claim" Christianity as their way of life - but then go off and do whatever they want with their lives - and through that often times it looks as if they have life easier than we as Christians do, because everything seems to be going their way. But that is not true. This is merely a dim reflection of how their live truly is - only God can see the heartache and sorrow they bring themselves. I don't want this for my life, I want to give Jesus my 110% - my all!! God alone is good :) God alone deserves all our praise.