Titus 2:3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the younger women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Real Moments with M.O.M.- A sunny day on the farm

Life in the home is busy and blessed! 

The animals are enjoying the sunshine that is breaking through the clouds as I type. I just looked out the window and noticed that Annabell, our Jersey milk cow, is stealing the feed from one of the horses. I had Bekah run and take a photo of Annabell so I could share with you! She is such a wonderful milker, so gentle and reliable! Sarah-Grace made raw butter for the family yesterday, with some of the cream that Annabell so graciously gave us at milk time! It is a treat to live this lifestyle! The goats will be kidding in March. Let me share with you about our Kinder Goats! They are by far our favorite goat and we have had many different types over the years. The Kinder gives you a great tasting milk with the proper amount of butterfat to make it taste quite yummy. They don't eat near as much as other dairy goats. They have sweet dispositions that make them easy for children to care for as well as adults. It is hard for me to say which animal on the farm is my favorite, the goats, milk cows, and chickens are all in a close tie for first place. The sheep are so adorable when they are lambs and go leaping across the field however, since we use them for our meat source it is hard to get connected to them. It is the same with the meat cows we have. I keep my distance emotionally no matter how cute they are! 

The boys ran through the woods late yesterday afternoon with their home made guns pretending wars of past. They love to reenact the Revolutionary war, Civil War and create their own wars! They have forts, traps, and signed contracts that keep them busy for hours! They get so caught up in the fun they begin talking like the events are real. They will even come to my Joe or me to review the contracts and terms of agreement previously made. We keep reminding them this is just fun and to make sure they keep that in mind as they play but they seem to forget our words as soon as they hit that fresh air and feel the leaf packed ground beneath their feet! 

The girls are enjoying rides on the horses when the weather is not too cold. Beth-Joy's horse, Miracle, is coming along so nicely. Beth has a wonderful patience and talent to train the most unruly of animals. Bekah is enjoying the bareback rides on Sugar. It is nice to have a horse that is well trained who can set the example to the rest of the barn how they must behave! The girls are a blessing to me! Each of them help in all the duties of the home. Many times, people will wonder how I do it 'all'. I could not do 1/10 of what I do without my girls! 

Joe and I are enjoying the family and each other! He makes me giggle and I guess I make him giggle too! He has for years called me, "Sunshine" and lately I find that I awake each morning with a fresh outlook on how I might really be his "Sunshine".  That was one inspiration for the new look of the blog, the new look reminded me of his constant encouragement to minister brightly to my family!

Besides all the above activity, there are school lessons being accomplished, music lessons completed, chores continuing and projects still needing to be done. Boo-boo's that have been kissed and cleaned, tummies that have been filled, laundry baskets that are full and shoes we still can't find. All in all.... it is a sunny day on the farm!

Have a blessed day in your home, 
Mrs. Joseph Wood 


  1. Wow your blog is amazing!! Going to be back to read here often! I really enjoy my precious Kansan homeschooling moms and bloggers. Your farm and home sound beautiful, and full of joy! God Bless...Jenny

  2. Thank you for sharing!! Large families are such a blessing and you are blessed for teaching and raising them all up into Godly young adults. I will be coming to you for advice when we get our little farm. Blessings!

  3. sounds busy but wonderful ~Enjoy all those blessings ~Love Heather ;)

  4. What a beautiful post...and Annabell is so sweet looking! Thanks for sharing this moment of your world.
