As we plant blueberry plants you can see the unfinished fence project that we are working on simultaneously. That just seems to be the way it is on the farm.
Sammy loves to help. In fact as the sun was setting and we were calling it a day he said, “Thank you for letting me work with you mommy.” I was blessed… I want that to be my attitude to God. “Dear God, thank you for letting me work with you today.” Yes, I think that sounds like a great way to finish off the day!
Timmy and I working on planting our fragile plants. I was teaching the children gentleness in the process of planting. It was something I had to keep reminding them over again and again and again. Perhaps, tomorrow they’ll have it down.
Timothy assured me that we didn’t need to measure in between the plants. “I’m EXACTLY 4’7”” He said, “Plant them that far apart!” The books say 5 feet but I think the reminder of him being so excited that the plants were spaced the exact distance that he is tall was a much better idea than the book had to offer. Memories… lots of memories were made today.
Samuel helping pour the dirt in all the “perfect” places. It was a delight to work along side my children. It is as if the world disappears and all that is real is the moment that I am living in… I am blessed to be their momma! Truly, God has blessed me!
Until our next chat…
Mrs. Joseph Wood
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