Proverbs 21:21,
‘’He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honor.”
I’ve been thinking about the celebrations that are taking place right now in honor of the Passover and in honor of Christ’s Resurrection. The foreshadowing of the Passover reminds us that as they were condemned to die, the slaying of the lamb, shedding of the blood, and the doorposts bearing the mark of the blood was salvation for the children of God that night. And now as we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection, we too were condemned to die, so the slaying of the Lamb of God, the shedding of His precious blood and the doorposts of our hearts bearing the mark of the blood is our salvation as the Children of God. Even though the chosen of God sought after righteous living and following their traditions and holding the ceremonies commanded by their priest, they still missed the Messiah (Romans 9:30-33).
It is not enough to live righteously.” This is something my daughter and I have discussed this past week. Even if we live “good lives”, even if we never do harm to another, even if we don’t lie, steal, cheat, covet, bring dishonor to our parents, even if we do all these things, we can still miss the Messiah.
Our righteousness is as filthy rags, imagine, no matter how good we try to be or how we try to respect our traditions; every ounce of energy we put into being righteous is as filthy rags compared to the sinless life of Christ and the Holiness of God (Isaiah 64:5-7).
As we enter this Holy time of celebration, let us remember that those who follow after righteousness shall find righteousness, but those that follow after God will find Him (Jeremiah 29:12-14). As we set our hearts to seeking after God, righteousness, honor and life will be found in Him (Isaiah 55:2-4).
This will be the last devotion of this week as we take time to celebrate the Resurrection with our family. I trust as you celebrate in your own way, that you will reflect on the Word and remember that the price was paid 2,000 years ago for you and I. The Son of God became flesh and dwelt among us; He died as a ransom for our condemnation and for every sin known to man; He took it to the grave with Him, He overcame death and rose again and now He reigns in Heaven with the Father. But it’s more than that, He lives in the hearts of those who will receive Him. It is more than living a good life, it is receiving Christ as the Son of God, it is believing what he said is true, and it is abiding in Him that we will know the Messiah. I pray that each person reading this today knows Christ in a very personal way. I pray too that if you or your loved ones do not know Him, that you will consider these verses and pray to receive Him as your Savior. If you want to know more about Christ and what it means to receive Him as your personal Savior, I would be honored to talk with you privately. Please feel free to email me. Don’t be one who has missed the Messiah.
Prayer: Father, I share these verses with our readers today in hope that one day they will find you as a personal God who loves them where they are. That all the cleaning up or righteous living they do or can do will not bring salvation to their soul. But believing in you will bring them eternal life. So this day, I lay before them your Word. Use it to draw them to yourself. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Romans 3:23 – Admit that you are a sinner; Romans 6:23 – understand that you are condemned for your sin but God offers you life eternal; Romans 5:8 – you can “do” nothing of righteousness to be saved, he died while you were a sinner; Romans 10:13 – everyone who calls on His name will be saved; Romans 10:9-10 – Confess with your mouth, believe with your heart and you will be saved.
Friends, Christ said in Revelation 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him.” I pray that if you have not already done so, that today, you will open your heart’s door to Christ. God Bless each of you this Holy Resurrection Season.
Abiding Still,
Connie Renfro ©
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